"Are You Done Chasing Leads?"

By Tim Ikels

Last Updated: October, 2024

Tim Ikels - ProfileLet’s be real - hunting for leads is exhausting.

It’s Tim here, and I’ve been there, too.

That endless cycle of trying every trick in the book, throwing money at ads, tweaking campaigns, hoping something works.

And yet... nothing sticks.

It’s frustrating, isn’t it?

That sinking feeling when you’ve done everything “right,” and still – the clients don’t come. It’s draining, mentally and financially.

Every day you wake up stressed, wondering if today’s the day you’ll finally get a break... or if you’ll have to face yet another dry spell.

The uncertainty eats away at you, right? That gnawing question:
“Where’s the next client coming from?”

But what if you didn’t have to feel like that anymore?

What if leads just came to you? Consistently.

No more chasing. No more throwing money at ads. No more “I hope this works” moments.

Imagine waking up each day knowing your lead generation is already handled. A steady stream of people genuinely interested in what you offer.

And the crazy part? It’s not because of some complicated funnel or another expensive campaign. It’s because of one simple book.

Yep, one short, straightforward book can do all that.


The Automatic Lead Machine

Here’s the idea: You write one book. Just one. And it brings you leads.

Not someday. Not in theory. But soon, reliably, and like clockwork.

This isn’t just another book to add to your shelf.

It’s a tool - a machine, really - that works to attract your perfect clients. The ones who are ready and willing to pay for your expertise.

Here’s Why It Works:

What Does Life Look Like After This?

The Automatic Lead Machine Shows You:

This isn’t about marketing hacks or fancy funnels. It’s about clarity, simplicity, and doing what actually works.

Let your book do the work for you.

You focus on what you do best - serving your clients, growing your business. The book handles the rest.

Want My Help?

==> Learn More Here


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What exactly is 'The Automatic Lead Machine'?

It’s a step-by-step guide that helps you build a system for consistently generating leads for your business - without requiring constant hustle.

It teaches you how to create a simple, short book as a lead generation tool that keeps your pipeline full automatically.

2. Does this work for all types of businesses?

Yes! Whether you run a service-based business, sell physical products, or offer digital solutions, the principles are the same.

It’s about building a system that generates leads consistently and reliably.

3. What’s the main benefit of using a short book for lead generation?

A short book is a powerful positioning tool that builds trust and gives you instant credibility.

It’s also a tangible asset that can live forever, continually bringing in leads - long after you’ve written it.

4. How much time will it take to set up this system?

That depends on your current business structure, but most people can implement the system in just a few weeks.

The book-writing process itself can be simple and quick, especially with the techniques outlined in The Automatic Lead Machine.

If you'd like to work with me directly, consider to book a call with me.

5. Is this really ‘hands-off’ once it’s set up?

Yes! The goal is to build a system that runs independently.

Once your lead generation machine is set up, it requires very little maintenance, allowing you to focus on what truly matters in your business and personal life.

6. What if I’m not a writer? Will this still work for me?

Absolutely. You don’t need to be a best-selling author to make this work. The key is in simplicity.

The techniques I share will help you create a lead-generating book quickly and without the pressure of writing a “perfect” book.

If after reading my book you'd prefer my direct help, consider to book a call with me.